Project Updates

4-5 Website name was changed to

4-9 Our team was torn between choosing two different types of toolbox we wanted to make, so today Owen and Dimitri finished the first two MVPs

Owen Sowalla finished his first MVP thanks to the cardboard fellow engineer Dimitri Chen provided, it had the retractable trays that we had in mind from the first blueprint he provided, see reference below

He expressed concern with the use of cardboard as he felt the material could be severely improved as well as some engineering issues that arose from the ease of use. Another thing he wanted to change was the use of paper, he wished to replace it with a thin steel pipe material, or a thick wire instead, he also wanted to remove the back of the tray holders to allow the support system to rotate freely, double down the amount of cardboard for greater structural integrity, add walls between ramps so the boxes dont get tilted and once that is done he would like to add wheels, replace the interconnected cardboard with thin beams, reduce the box size and increase its width so it doesint fly down the ramps, and create a smoother transition from the box to the floor it would be operating on. The MVP was held together with tape, hot glue, and the cleverly engineered shelves kept the individual platforms in place.

Dimitri’s MVP was a creation of a blueprint Anthony Palma made, see below

The idea here, is that Anthony desired a toolbox that had compartments you could pull out and take with you around the workshop and return in a fast and clean manner. Dimitri’s MVP took this to another level by not only including a door that opens out to the left, but also has a handle for easy transportation, the modular trays Anthony desired, and a functioning lock to keep the tools from opening the door from an inside force. The MVP is well built  thanks to the triple layered cardboard Dimitri engineered, and its easy to use. He wishes to add wheels for movement along the floor of the workshop, shrink down the size by making it wider but shorter, add more layers so that some arent movable to hold nails and materials that are easily lost, and to clamp down the handle by weaving the anchor of the handle through the two layers of the top of the box to ensure the handle doesint snap. This MVP is held together with a lot of tape because Dimitri stated that the Mix ran out of hot glue.

4-10 First major testing day

We tested the two MVPs our team wanted to go with today (see testing page for videos) and our votes tied, both were really good MVPs but we decided to agree on going with Owen’s ramp box as opposed to Dimitri’s modular toolbox.

4-14 First translation to CAD software


The brass area suggests a spring to keep straight metal beams from getting cart stuck, on the next MVP the ramp angles will be the same so carts will not get stuck on previous as well as math and a better grasp on mechanics

4-19 Third MVP in progress


The third MVP is being created, the tool containers are going to have borders along the sides (partially complete in picture), as well as wheels along the sides of the containers to ease the pull action of the toolbox. A spring is being discussed being added. Right now we have completed a general construction of the box, the ramps for the wheels to work upon, the tool containers themselves, 4 of the 10 wheels needed for the containers, and 6 of the 12 borders for the containers completed.

4-24 Third MVP completed


Our last MVP has been completed and doesint work perfectly but works quite well so long as it has minimal guidance. It has a 14x14x14.5 inch dimensions with walls on three sides, a roof, a floor, and a fully functioning hinge door.  It has three containers and two platforms for the top two containers. the containers have wheels to assist in going down the ramp, walls to stop the tools from falling off the container, and a wire attached to them so you dont have to pull each container individually, the top container also has a handle to assist pulling out of the box. Owen showed concern that the MVP lacks a spring which he desires the final product to have, but me (Cameron) and Anthony feel we can most likely get that done.

see the testing page for this updates testing videos

4-25 Final product draft has been made

We have dimensions, materials gathered, and measurements all ready for the final assembly of the product tomorrow, the team is all gathering to help create this product and finish the paper along with it.

4-26 First final product session finished

Today we spent 4 hours in the mix slicing wood, creating measurements, assembling materials we have ready, and a lot of brainstorming. We have all of the materials necessary for assembly and next session we should be able to finish the whole thing. Owen and Dimitri were cutting wood all day while me (Cameron) and Anthony were measuring out what needed to be cut in accordance with Owen’s diagram, as well as some light assembly for the containers.